Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation of your company

Use our modern tools and transform your business. Increase productivity and competitiveness.

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News about the solutions, projects and technologies we use

Print 4 Domino - PDF printing system for HCL Domino

Print 4 Domino - PDF printing system for HCL Domino

Create beautiful PDF documents from Domino data with easy to use templates in html. You can print whatever you want with whatever design you imagine.

Development of software solutions

Development of software solutions

Each business system (company, …) has its own operating rules. Often, when they want to speed up and improve, companies resort to dedicated solutions that optimize critical business points. That’s where we come in. We will develop an optimal solution for your problem and help you optimize your business process.

Artificial intelligence in the business environment

Artificial intelligence in the business environment

With the help of artificial intelligence, we use advanced techniques to increase efficiency, improve decision-making and unlock new opportunities for our customers.

  • LLM integration (Large language model)
  • use of RAG ​​(Retrieval Augmented Generation)
  • development of Custom Applications
CRITICAL ALERT: Mail not routing after Domino restarts beginning December 13, 2024

CRITICAL ALERT: Mail not routing after Domino restarts beginning December 13, 2024

CRITICAL ALERT: Mail not routing after Domino restarts beginning December 13, 2024

Documentation and financial management in construction projects

Documentation and financial management in construction projects

The benefits of introducing the Intelidoc system in managing construction projects are:

  • faster business, flow of information and documents
  • managing the financial review of projects
  • reduction of operational risk
  • central storage of project documentation
  • reduces the possibility of errors (checkpoints)
Real-time data sync Domino <-> Rest of the world

Real-time data sync Domino <-> Rest of the world

You often want to display data or maybe even edit same data that resides in Domino database in some external system.

For example you want to display a nice chart in your web application and you need really up-to-date data from Domino. Or if you want to edit part of data in some external app with nice interface. With that one you really need a real time sync.

6 steps for successful digital transformation

Determination of goals and strategy

Determine where you want to be in 2 or 5 years. What do you want to change and improve?

Digital transformation is a process. Some effects can be achieved in a short time, while others require a longer time. The transformation also involves people having to adapt to new ways of working.

Optimization of processes

Every company contains work processes, whether they are manufacturing processes or software development processes.

Each product or the solution needs certain steps to reach the customer. You can speed up or improve these steps.

Optimization can also be to eliminate certain steps or to replace them with an automated solution.

Implementation of new services and solutions

As part of the transformation, you can also consider expanding your business to include new products, solutions or services.

You can implement solutions that have not been possible or were not possible until now.

The popularization of automation brought new tools and brought exclusive technologies even to smaller users.

Selection of transformation managers

Every renovation or transformation needs a person who will coordinate changes in the company.

The renovation coordinator should be familiar with the business process, but should also be open to new solutions and new perspectives on solving challenges.

Pilot projects

Start gradually, step by step. This has proven to be a best practice. Test whether a new solution or business model suits you. Does it suit the employees.

You may not solve the challenge in the first step. As we mentioned, transformation is a process. Sometimes it is also necessary to take a step to the side. If the pilot meets expectations, proceed to the next step.


The right solutions will spread themselves throughout the company. Users will immediately notice whether the solution helps them in their work and whether they are relieved of unnecessary (repetitive) tasks.

Some solutions may be unpleasant even at first glance, but the management will judge that they are necessary and can bring significant advantages to the company.

The Intelidoc platform has been designed from the very beginning as a tool for the digital transformation of companies.

Companies using this platform have been operating smoothly during Covid. So to speak, along the established track, as they have already been digitally transformed.

Contact us

Got a technical issue? Want to send feedback about a beta feature? Need details about our Business plan? Let us know.

Use Intelidoc digital transformation tools to optimize your business. Digitization of business allows you to save money and automate your business.

+386 40 754 235




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